Two ways to extend the lifespan of earthmoving tyres

Ever since early humankind invented the wheel, people have been having to repair them. Until last year, I didn't know much about wheels. All that changed when I had to buy new wheels for my car. I took it to a tyre specialist who recommended the best type of tyre for my vehicle. However, while looking at my tyres, the mechanic also noticed that my wheels were misaligned. He realigned the wheels and fitted new tyres. He also took the time to explain the steps I could take to care for the tyres and wheels on my car. I hope you enjoy the blog.

Two ways to extend the lifespan of earthmoving tyres

4 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Earthmoving tyres (that is, tyres that are used for earthmoving equipment, such as excavators and loaders) endure a lot of wear and tear. As such, their lifespan can be quite short, if you do not care for them properly. If you've just purchased a new set of earthmoving tyres, here are two things you can do to ensure that they stay in excellent condition for as long as possible:

Adjust the tyre pressure after each use

Most standard cars only need to have their tyre pressure levels adjusted once every few weeks. However, this is not the case for earthmoving equipment. Ideally, you should re-inflate your earthmoving tyres' pressure levels after each use.

This is primarily due to the combined weight of the vehicle itself, and the load it is moving, bearing down on the tyres. This enormous weight means that earthmoving tyres tend to deflate at a much faster rate than smaller road vehicles.

If you do not readjust the tyre pressure each time the equipment is used, there is a much greater chance that the tyre rubber will wear out prematurely, as underinflated tyres are a lot more susceptible to punctures than their correctly-inflated counterparts.

Pressure levels should be checked with a tool called a pressure gauge. Additionally, this check should be done prior to using the equipment, whilst the tyres are still cold (this is because testing heated tyres can result in inaccurate pressure readings).

Do not be tempted to overinflate the tyres, in a bid to reduce the frequency with which they need to be re-inflated, as overinflated tyres are also prone to punctures, particularly when they are driven over rough, uneven terrain (as earthmoving equipment often is).

Allow the tyres to cool

Earthmoving tyres that are used for hours on end, without a break, can generate a substantial amount of internal heat. This heat can lead to the tyre rubber degrading rapidly.

As such, it is important for the operator of the earthmoving equipment to take regular breaks so that any heat that the tyres have generated during the previous journey has time to dissipate before it begins to damage the rubber.

Additionally, operators should avoid driving the equipment too quickly, as this too, can result in the tyre rubber becoming very hot. Whilst driving at high speeds might increase overall efficiency levels in a construction project, it could also lead to increased costs, as the equipment's tyres will wear out and need to be replaced prematurely.